
Spiritual comic strip QVAESTIO published in twelve countries

Press Release

Spiritual comic strip QVAESTIO published in twelve countries
The publisher 1968 publishes Johan B.G. Vandenblink’s artistic comic strip debut

The grin of his martyr. The suicide of God. The explosion of a flower. The scent of loneliness. Memories of evil. Fear of love. The pandemonium of aggression. It is all observed. But by whom? And how? And why? Images, colour transformations and individual interpretation will provide you with the answer. Or?

QVAESTIO sketches a journey of remembrance. With images only; no words.

About the author: Johan B.G. Vandenblink published his first cartoon in 1980. As an author, he expresses himself through his work as a journalist in the 1990s, and, to this day, as a scriptwriter with a view to filming one of his texts. German television has already demonstrated interest. In 2007, the drawing pen was sharpened and dipped in the inkpot once again. The result: QVAESTIO. The next work was the triptych 333-666-999, a comic strip, and an album for the Russian market (Nastrovje). Together with the American author and actress Kieren Van Den Blink (no relation), Johan created a series of comic strips entitled ‘Sounds of the City’.

QVAESTIO by Johan B.G. Vandenblink, 1968 editor, ISBN 978-90-813546-1-5
1968(editor) - http://1968editeur.blogspot.com, distribution for the Netherlands: Strips In Voorraad, distribution for Belgium: Pinceel, € 5.99/€ 8.99 (via the Internet), paperback, sewn/bound, full colour, publication dates: NL/B (30 January 2009), AUS (6 January 2009, available from FORM on Murray, Perth W.A.), Germany/Austria, Norway, Italy (May 2009), France (April 2009), USA/Canada (June 2009), Russia (September 2009), Japan (November 2009)

Note for the editor: for further information, excluding image materials, interview requests, etc. please contact Pierre Dubroix, 1968editeur@gmail.com